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RealCarNames MOD (KSL)

 Real Car Names is a pretty self-explanatory mod. It adds real car names to CarX, replacing the goofy fictional counterparts.


First you need to download RCN from the Github link here:


Head to the releases tab to the right and download the .ZIP file

Using 7zip or WinRar, open the .zip archive and drag the .KSM file to kino/mods, in your main CarX directory.

That's it! it will work right out of the box with no setup needed.


ENABLE - Enables or disables RCN

STOP SCROLLING NAMES - Will stop long car names from scrolling on the garage menu

SHOW ORIGINAL WHILE SPECTATING - Will display the ingame name of the car in parenthesis

RENAMER - At the bottom, you can input your own car names and save the file to the database.

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